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Series «Pedagogical sciences»


Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University “Khabarshy” scientific journal.  The series "Pedagogical sciences"is included in the list of scientific publications which are recommended by the CCES (Committee for Control of Education and Science)  to publish  scientific results of the research on pedagogical sciences and to the JSC "National Center for Scientific and Technical Information" (NC STI) database.


Journal headings. The articles by Doctors of Sciences, Candidates of Sciences, scientists, PhD doctors, PhD students, Master students, pedagogues (educators) and employees of Educational Institutions, Institutions of Higher Education and Research Institute of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and also foreign scientists can be published in the journalunder the following headings:
  1. Methodological Problems of Modern Pedagogy and Education;
  2. Graduate and Postgraduate Education: challenges, innovations and perspectives;
  3. Secondary and Post-Secondary Education: Issues of Education and Upbringing;
  4. Preschool and Primary Education problems, Special and Additional Learning Needs

Amount of pages. The number of pages of the article should be not less than 5 and not more than 10 pages, including a list of references, Authors name, text, bibliography. Publication languages: Kazakh, Russian, English.

Articles of undergraduates are published only in co-authorship with persons with a scientific degree.

Please note that the maximum number of articles in a collection from one author to 2.

All articles are checked for plagiarism in the Antiplagiat system. The article must contain at least 70% of the original text. Increasing the originality of the text using technical and other bad faith methods will result in the exclusion of the publication. Articles are subject to a blind peer review.

Publication dates. The journal has four issues per year (published in March, June, September and December).

Terms of submission of the article: 1st quarter - until 10th February; 2nd quarter - until 10th May 10; 3rd quarter – until 10thSeptember; 4th quarter –until 10th.

Article Publication Charges. The cost of publication in the journal is 1.500 (one thousand and five hundred) tenge per page, including the articles of undergraduates, doctoral students in co-authorship with persons with a scientific degree.

The cost of publication in the journal is 1.000 (one thousand) tenge per page for AbaiKazNPU teaching staff, PhD students, Master students and employers of the AbaiKazNPU Scientific-research institute With excluding of articles co-authored with persons not employees of the AbaiKazNPU (1 page = 1500)

"Jubilee of a scientist". The journal provides "Jubilee of a scientist" (with a color photograph) - the cost of 1 page is 5000 tenge.

Payment for articles is made after getting a positive review of the editorial office at any branch of the bank "Bank Center Credit", and requizites will be send to athe authors email address.

Claims for payment without confirmation of acceptance of the article for publication are not considered. Untimely paid articles, subject to their acceptance for publication, are automatically transferred to the next issue. Distribution of the magazine to authors in the Republic of Kazakhstan - from 800-1200 tenge (if necessary). In the countries of near and far abroad, the tariff is individual.

Acceptance for publication. Articles are accepted by e-mail address





Requirements for registration of articles

Original research article should be on Word 2003-2007 format, graphics and charts in Excel 2003-2007 format) with the following parameters:

  • IRSTI index is placed in the top left of the article in bold;
  • Information about the authors: name, affiliation (place of work), city, country and e-mail in the center (italics);
  • title of the article, in capital letters, in the center
  • the article is accompanied by a short abstract in the language of the article and key words, further annotation and key words in Kazakh / Russian and English (100-150 words);
  • format - A4, printing type "Times New Roman", a font size of the main text - 12 pt, drawings, diagrams - 10 pt, line spacing - single; the indent of the first line of the paragraph is 0.5 cm;
  • all fields - 2 cm;
  • table footnotes are located below the table, footnotes (asterisks) in the text are placed at the bottom of the corresponding page;

The structure of the article must comply with IMRAD

  1. Introduction;
  2. Methodology;
  3. Results;
  4. Discussion;
  5. Conclusion


  • references to the literature are formatted in square brackets along the text of the article, indicating the source number from the bibliographic list and the page, or articles of the normative act referred to by the author (for example: [1, p.15]);
  • the list of used literature is included in the total number of pages of the article and is drawn up at the end of the text as the sources are mentioned (no more than 10, including links to publications indexed in Web of Science and / or Scopus) in accordance with GOST 7.1: 2003 (a sample is given below)