Қазақша   Русский   English
Series «Multilingual education and philology of foreign languages»

The order of reviewing articles

• All articles of the journal, before reviewing, are subject to mandatory verification for the uniqueness of the text. The check is carried out by the answer. journal secretary using online systems. The allowed percentage of uniqueness is set at 80%. The author of the article is notified if a lower indicator is received, and the article is removed from consideration for the current issue. The author is recommended to modify the article to an acceptable level of originality or to withdraw the article from the journal.
• Verified articles are peer-reviewed by 2 leading experts and academics by industry. Based on the review, the editorial board may recommend the author to modify the article or refuse publication. Manuscripts of articles previously published or transferred to other publications are not accepted. The recommended length of the article is not less than 5 and not more than 7 pages. Otherwise, the issue of the volume of the article must be agreed with the editorial board of the journal. Illustrations, diagrams, tables included in the text of the article are taken into account in the total volume of the text.