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Journal "Pedagogy and Psychology"

Rules for authors

From 03.05.2021 a new website of the journal has been functioning under the link:

Information for authors!


«Pedagogy and Psychology» Journal of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University is focused on publishing research papers on current problems connected with all the stages and levels of education.

The journal is included in the List recommended by the Committee for Quality Control in Education and Science of Kazakhstan Ministry of Education and Science to publish the main results of scientific activity, and it has an impact factor KazBC.

The journal has the following headings: Methodology and Theory of Pedagogy and Psychology; History of Pedagogy and Psychology; Applied Psychology and Psychotherapy; Innovations in Education; Problems and prospects of Education; Modern Methods and Technologies of Education; Education, Culture and Art in the context of the national idea «Мangilik el»; Rukhani Zhangyru: scientific, educational and cultural space”.

Journal is published 4 times a year.

The Editorial Council accepts previously unpublished artiсles in all scientific fields the Journal focuses on, before the 5th day of the quarter first month (January, April, July, October). The articles should be presented in electronic format (in the formats doc, docx, rtf). The file name indicates the author's surname (if there are co-authors - the first author’s surname). The font is Times New Roman, the size of the font is 14, the alignment is according to the width of the text, the spacing is single, the paragraph is 1.25 cm, the margins - upper and lower – 2 cm, the left – 3 cm, the right – 1 cm.

The tables, diagrams, figures have to be presented in a format that can be formatted (it is necessary for translation), for example: Figure 1.Its Title, Table 1. Its Title. The number of the tables, diagrams, drawings should not exceed 20% of the article total volume.
All articles must undergo double blind (anonymous) reviewing.
All articles submitted to the editorial office of the journal «Pedagogy and Psychology» are tested in the «Antiplagiat» system. The permissible level is 85%, while there must be at least 60% of originality. Unlawful borrowing and unlawful quoting, increasing the originality of the text using technical and other unfair methods is not allowed. 

The requirements for the article structure:

- II STI (Interstate index of scientific and technical information) – in the language of the article;

- the author’s full name (capital letters in italic, initials before the last name) – in the language of the presented article;

- e-mail address;

- the place of work (study), city, country (in the language of the article);

- the article title (placed in the center and typed with bold capital letters, – in the language of the article;

- the abstract (in the language of the article) – not less than 100 words and not more than 200 words;

- the keywords/phrases (5-10 words);

- the text of the article should include: introduction (relevance, scientific importance, purpose of the study), the main body (research methodology, literature review, methods, outcomes, discussion ) and conclusion;

- the list of sources used in the paper should be given as the sources are mentioned in the text with continuous numbering in square brackets. The use of automatic paged links is not permitted. The list of references should contain at least 15 sources, 10-15 of them dated over the last 3-5 years, including from the Scopus and Web of Science databases;

- abstracts (in two other languages, for example: if the article is in English, two more abstracts should be in Kazakh and in Russian not less than 100 words and not more than 300 words.

At the end of the article (in one file) the following is indicated: information to include in the sections "Our authors" and "Contents" (Appendix 2), application (Appendix 3), register (Appendix 4).

All the materials should be prepared in accordance with the requirements and carefully edited. The Editorial Council reserves the right to select articles to be published in the journal, to cut articles and make all the necessary stylistic corrections without the authors’ consent. The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the facts published in the articles. The Еditorial board opinion may be different from the articles authors’ opinion. The rejected articles are not re-accepted or considered by the Editorial Council. The manuscripts are not returned.

The volume of the article (not including II STI, the title, information about authors, annotation and keywords) should be not less than 2100 words and not exceed 5000 words (from 6 to 16,0 pages, 1 page - approximately 300 words). Starting with 2020, the volume requirements for the article have been changed in accordance with the requirements of the Scopus database (Attachments 1-4).

The publication fee is 1000 tenge per A4 page for third-party authors, 700 tenge – for authors from Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University. The payment should be made after a positive decision of the Editorial Council by transferring to the bank account of the University with the mark «Рayment for publication in the journal «Pedagogy and Psychology » (Attachment 5).

The articles must be sent as an attached file by e-mail: Copies / scans of payment orders confirming payment can be sent via WhatsApp. Phone number for inquiries: 8(727) 291-91-82, +7 (776) 201 5454, +7 (747) 416 5076.

Subscription to the magazine is made through Kazpost JSC. Index for legal entities and individual subscribers is 74253. Authors who subscribed to the journal are not obliged to pay for publishing articles in two issues of the journal during the year according the editorial board decision.

The Editorial Council



Attachment 1

LAYOUT – 2020

(the fields: the top – 2cm, the left – 3cm, the bottom – 2 cm,the right – 1 сm)



IISTI 14.35.07 (size 14)


А.B.ISAEVA1, COAUTHORS -3 (size 14)


1 Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

(Almaty, Kazakhstan), 2-3 the Institute (city, country) (size 14)





Annotation text in the language of the published material. Volume 100-300 words (size 12)

Keywords: word/phrase; word/phrase; etc. (size 12)


Introduction (relevance, scientific significance, purpose of the study). Text [1, P.45]. Text. Text [2] (size 14).

Main body (literature review, the methods, the outcomes). Text [3, P.80]. etc. Text. Text [21] (size 14).

Conclusion. Text. Text [22]. Text (size 14).


Referenсes (size 12)

[1] Ньюман Дж. Г. Идея Университета. – Минск: БГУ, 2016. – 208 c.

[2] Проблемы рефлексии. Современные комплексные исследования / Под ред. И.С.Ладенко. Новосибирск: Наука, 2017. – 241 с. [Электронный ресурс]: URL: (дата обращения: 09.01.2019).

[3] Темирбаева Д. Счастье и смысл жизни / Психологические проблемы смысла жизни и акме: Электронный сборник материалов Третьей Казахстанской молодежной секции XXIV международного симпозиума, 08.12.2018. – Алматы – Москва: КазНПУ имени Абая – ПИ РАО, 2018. – С.79-82.


[21] Lorenz A., Madebach A., Jescheniak J.D. Grammatical-gender effects in noun–noun compound production: Evidence from German / Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. – 2018. – Vol. 71(5). – Issue 15. – PP.1134-1149 [Ehlektronnyj resurs]: URL: (data obrashcheniya: 09.01.2019).

[22] Максутова И.О., Таубаева Ш.Т., Момбек А.А. Педагогическая технология: от концепции до модели / Педагогика и психология. – 2018. – № 4(37). – С.123-129.


Referenсes (size 12)

[1] N'yuman Dzh. G. Ideya Universiteta. – Minsk: BGU, 2016. – 208 s.

[2] Problemy refleksii. Sovremennye kompleksnye issledovaniya / Pod red. I.S.Ladenko. – Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2017. – 241 s. [Ehlektronnyj resurs]: URL: (data obrashcheniya: 09.01.2019).

[3] Temirbaeva D. Schast'e i smysl zhizni // Psihologicheskie problemy smysla zhizni i akme: Ehlektronnyj sbornik materialov Tret'ej Kazahstanskoj molodezhnoj sekcii XXIV mezhdunarodnogo simpoziuma, 08.12.2018. – Almaty – Moskva: KazNPU imeni Abaya – PI RAO, 2018. – S.79-82.


[21] Lorenz A., Madebach A., Jescheniak J.D. Grammatical-gender effects in noun–noun compound production: Evidence from German // Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. – 2018. – Vol. 71(5). – Issue 15. – PP.1134-1149 [Ehlektronnyj resurs]: URL: (data obrashcheniya: 09.01.2019).

[22] Maksutova I.O., Taubaeva Sh.T., Mombek A.A. Pedagogicheskaya tekhnologiya: ot koncepcii do modeli / Pedagogika i psihologiya. – 2018. – № 4(37). – S.123-129.


Инновациялық білім беру – бәсекеге қабілетті мамандарды

дайындаудағы маңызды бағыт (кегль 12)


А.Б.Исаева1, соавторлар2-3 (кегль 12)

1Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық университеті

(Алматы, Қазақстан), 2-3ЖОО (қала, ел) (кегль 12)

Аңдатпа (кегль 12)

Мәтін. Мәтін. Мәтін. Мәтін. Мәтін. (кегль 12)

Түйін сөздер: сөз/сөйлем, сөз/сөйлем және т.б. (кегль 12)


Инновационное образование как важное направление

в подготовке специалистов (кегль 12)


А.Б.Исаева1, соавторы2-3 (кегль 12)

1Казахский национальный педагогический университет имени Абая

(Алматы, Казахстан), 2-3Вуз (город, страна) (кегль 12)

Аннотация (кегль 12)

Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. (кегль 12)

Ключевые слова: слово/словосочетание, слово/словосочетание и т.д. (кегль 12)


Innovative education as an important trend in training competitive professionals (size 12)


А.Isaeva1, coauthors2-3 (size 12)

1Kazakh Abai National Pedagogical University,

(Almaty, Kazakhstan),

2-3Institute (city, country) (size 12)

Abstract (size 12)

Text. Теxt. Теxt. Теxt. Теxt. (size 12)

Keywords: word/phrase, word/phrase, etc. (size 12)



Attachment 2


To be included in the section «Our Authors» (Size 14)


Исаева Әлия Болатқызы – Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық университеті, педагогика ғылымдарының кандидаты, профессор,

Исаева Алия Болатовна – кандидат педагогических наук, профессор, Казахский национальный педагогический университет имени Абая,

Isaeva Aliya Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, professor, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University,



To be included in the section «Соntent» (Size14)


Исаева А.Б. Инновациялық білім беру – бәсекеге қабілетті мамандарды дайындаудағы маңызды бағыт ................................................................................

Исаева А.Б. Инновационное образование как важное направление в подготовке конкурентоспособных специалистов в условиях вуза ……………..

Isaeva A. Innovative education as an important trend in the training competitive professionals ……….…………………………………………………………….….




Attachment 3

Attention! The application is made out in one language (Russian or Kazakh)




to publish an article in the scientific and methodical journal

«Pedagogy and Psychology»


Name of authors

Исаева Алия Болатовна

Article title

Инновационное образование как важное направление

в подготовке конкурентоспособных специалистов

The Year and journal number

2020, № 3(44)

Section name

Современные проблемы образования





Place of work / study

Казахский национальный педагогический

университет имени Абая, профессор / магистрант


Заведующая кафедрой педагогики / -

Academic degree

доктор психологических наук / -

Academic title

профессор / -

Contact phone number

8 777 444 555 1


We guarantee to observe  the principles of scientific ethics (plagiarism and false 
co-authorship), as well as the accuracy and uniqueness of the presented article 




Attachment 4


The register should be  filled in accordance with the model for submission to JSC "National Center for Scientific and Technical Information."
Attention! If the authors of the article are two or more people, the registry is drawn up for each author separately.  
Please fill in the registry form carefully.



Country of publication

Казахстан, Алматы





Full name of the journal

Научно-методический журнал

«Педагогика и псхология»


Periodicity of the journal

4 раза в год


Year, issue, volume

2020, 3 (выпуск 44)


Publisher, place of publication

Типография издательства «Ұлағат»,

Казахский национальный педагогический университет имени Абая


The authors



Place of work or study of authors



IISTI code



The Article title (in three languages)