Қазақша   Русский   English
Серия "Специальная педагогика"

Rules for Authors

Rules for Authors

The text of the article is not more than 5 pages, provided in Kazakh, Russian or English on paper and in electronic form with the following parameters:

• UDC index is placed at the top of the article.

• authors ' names and initials should be placed after the title of the article written in the language.

• information about the author (s) (in Kazakh, Russian and English): Full Name, position, place of work (full translated, officially accepted name of the organization with the indication of the Department), full legal address of the organization, academic degree and title; e-mail of the authors.

• the article is accompanied by a brief summary and key words in Kazakh, Russian and English (80-100 words).

• font "Times New Roman", font size of the main text – 11 PT, figures, diagrams – 10 PT, line spacing – single; indentation of the first line of the paragraph – 0.5 cm. Format – A4.

• left field – 2 cm, right 2 cm, top and bottom margins – 2 cm;

• text is printed only on one side of the sheet, pages are numbered sequentially;

• references are made in square brackets in the text of the article, indicating the number of the source on the bibliography and the pages or articles of the normative act to which the author refers (for example: [1, p. 15]);

• the list of references is included in the total number of pages of the article and is made at the end of the text as references (no more than 10) in the following sequence: author (full Name), title of the work (article), name of the source (collection, journal, etc.), place of publication (city and publisher), month or number (magazine, Newspapers), year of publication and page numbers, in accordance with GOST 7.1:2006.

• summary with key words should be provided in Kazakh, Russian and English.


Control over the execution of the series "Khabarshy-Vestnik KazNPU named after Abay" is assigned to the editor-in-chief or Executive Secretary of "Khabarshy-Vestnik" KazNPU named after Abaya, the authors are responsible for the content of the article.